What Are Electromagnetic Fields?

    Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are produced as a result of the flow of electricity from power stations to the power sockets in our homes. Electric appliances, lights and the wiring in our houses all produce EMFs. All frequencies within the electromagnetic spectrum, such as those used for mobile phones, phone masts, T.V and radio can also be referred to as electromagnetic radiation.

What Are the Possible Health Implications Associated with Exposure to EMFs?

    Research suggests that EMF levels in bedrooms and other places people spend a lot of their time should be less than 0.4 microtesla (µT) for magnetic fields and less than 20 volts per metre (V/m) for electric fields.
Research has linked high EMF levels to many health issues, such as; depression, chronic fatigue, fertility problems, sleeping difficulties, childhood leukaemia and behavioural problems in children.
People who are most susceptible to the effects of EMFs include; children, pregnant women, men with a family history of testicular or prostate cancer, women with a history of breast cancer and people with poor immune systems.

How Do You Measure EMF Levels?

    Instruments can be used to measure EMF strengths to which people are exposed. The magnetic, electric and radio frequency fields are measured separately as there are different recommended levels for each one. As part of your survey, any hot spots that are raised above these guidelines will be highlighted.

What Is Electrosensitivity?

    Exposure to high levels of Electromagnetic Radiation is responsible for a condition known as Electrosensitivity (ES) or Electrohypersensitivity (EHS). Research shows that between 3% and 5% of the general population could be ES sufferers, and that they are affected to the extent that that their lifestyle has to be in some ways modified, sometimes quite dramatically. In Sweden, for example 285,000 people (over 3% of the population) are registered as ES and claim disability benefit from the government. Unfortunately, the people who have minor effects may well go on to become more seriously affected by exposure to electrical or microwave environs, if they do nothing to improve their electromagnetic environment.

    Electrical Sensitivity is a modern illness that is little understood, except by the people who suffer from it, and in many cases they may not even be aware of the cause of them, or even have heard of the illness. The medical profession on the whole do not recognise ES (like ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, was not recognised as a medical condition when it was first reported).

    In ES sufferers, eyes and skin react in a multitude of ways, they get headaches of all degrees of severity, sleep disturbances (especially near mobile phone masts), heart problems, joint aches, tiredness, digestive and breathing difficulties, cognitive and behavioural disturbances. There is reason to believe that this escalation in ill-health is continuing as the environment is getting increasingly polluted by the wireless radiation from new developments in mobile telecommunications technology and a 'bluetooth' world where our electrical appliances talk to each other using microwaves.

Recently scientists consider people's health to be more at risk from the ever increasing wireless microwave radiation. They suggest it is the digital pulsing ‘chatter’ of the digital communications world that can upset cell structure. It is not necessarily true that absorbing radio waves is bad for you. Most people absorb radio waves a lot of the time, perhaps all of the time. What is significant is the amount of energy we are all being exposed to today, compared with just 15 or 20 years ago. The magnitude of growth in the presence of radio waves is colossal, thousands of times greater. It is the totality of the electrosmog environment that concerns scientists. They don’t know what the gross exposure will do to the human body. "We are all living within the world’s biggest scientific experiment.”